quick think fast

November 1, 2007


In other words:

a= Two plus square root of 5 to the power 100.

b= One plus square root of 2 to the power 100.

c= One plus square root two to the power of negative 100. (or 1/c)

a times (b+c) =Y

Find the third demical point of Y.

Y= 3289594539 . U-I-O-P-R-E.

where Y includes arbitrary integers (those aren’t the ones in the real answer afaik) and  UIOPRE are all arbitrary variables, again representing unknown integers.

Find O.

I’ll post my answer in a week


ps. The challenge is that you must do this by hand, or if you MUST try to code the solution, do it x86 Assembly Language. No cheating, and proofs are required (not full, but one should be able to recreate your steps).


November 1, 2007

Thoughts from a paper I’m writing:

Lessig talks about the proportional role of computer code and computer law, in terms of how the law becomes ‘hard coded’ into the computer. If law only allows photos of cats with captions such as ‘I can haz cheeseburger?’ to be loaded onto the Internet, and a compliant developer codes the program into the computer, than this copyright law becomes copyright code.