Everyday Linux

March 14, 2008

I use Linux every single day, seeing as how none of the computers at my house run any other OS’ and I have a laptop for school/work. Being a System76 machine, it runs perfectly for me (with an exception for a couple of Kubuntu Hardy bugs) and I’m more than happy with it. The problem is that I work in an office using the *other* OS’ and I have to deal with them on a daily basis.

I entered work and my fellow co-worker in the tech department was having for lack of a better term “issues” with his computer. We had other computers for use in the office so it would be okay once he put in a new hard drive and did a reinstall of Windows over the weekend, he tells me. Note: fourth install of Windows in as many weeks. Near the end of the day, he said something to the extent of ‘my hard drive is broken so I cant get that file you need for you.’ Now to be clear, his OS was broken and even his file system was in a bad state, but that doesn’t mean I couldn’t get the files I needed. In fact, this sounds like a perfect job for a Linux algorithm.

Live CD of Finnix (Debian based)
boot cd.
fdisk -l (logged in as root so no need for ‘sudo’)
cd /mnt; ls
mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /mnt/hda
cd (to the directory containing the files we need)
cp foo.file /mnt/sdb1 (sdb1 being my flash drive)
umount /mnt/sdb1 (or you can just pull the thing out)

Lesson learned: Linux > Windows.

Lesson 1: If I was feeling malicious, I could have installed a key logger, since he wasn’t really paying attention to what I was doing, and I was doing it this at top speed. Write to his file system. Drop in a trojan or any such information I wanted.

Lesson 2: I could easily have rm ‘d his entire file system. This is drawn from Lesson 1 obviously. If someone has your computer, it is worth knowing what they are doing with it. This is a complaint I have against Geek Squad and other such companies. If I’m paying you money to do something with my computer, I expect you to explain it all in terms I can understand and let me watch you, that way no files are stolen.

Lesson 3: Password. Password. Password. No password to change the BIOS or MBR? No password to initialize the Hard Drive? There is no way to guarantee that your computer will always be physically secure, and with the proliferation of these Linux systems that can do such things as described above, it is important that your computer not be tampered with.

Leson 4: Just because it’s broke doesn’t mean it’s broke. As far as my co-worker knew, his files were completely gone. In fact, the idea of a Live CD was new to him, but I will be giving him one for his own uses so he can learn more. This is why Linux users are encouraged to have a separate /home partition. Extendability and flexibility matter. You OS and file system and kernel and window sessions should never be recursively linked. KDE is acting funny? drop to a shell and hit this to be back in business: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart
Computers are complex, yes. But to imply that one task can break everything on your system is just silly.

Lesson 5: OS != computer. As discussed above, a broken file system is inherently different than a bug in GNOME. Or a problem with a misbehaving NIC. Knowing all the parts of a computer and how they work will help you skip all the trouble of trying to troubleshoot and go straight to fixing. Note: I’m looking at you, “I need a new computer, my Windows is acting up”

Final thesis: The file we needed was recovered and I dropped some David Copperfield level magic on the office before I came home. And always carry around a flash drive/live cd combo with you to work so any problems with Windows can be easily fixed.

Update! Ubuntu Installation complete on the computer in question. +1

-eddie m.

8 Responses to “Everyday Linux”

  1. […] Brian Kieffer wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerptI entered work and my fellow co-worker in the tech department was having for lack of a better term “issues” with his computer. We had other computers for use in the office so it would be okay once he put in a new hard drive and did a … […]

  2. Computers said

    […] admin wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerptI use Linux every single day, seeing as how none of the computers at my house run any other OS’ and I have a laptop for school/work. Being a System76 machine, it runs perfectly for me (with an exception for a couple of Hardy bugs) and … […]

  3. […] Rebecca just wrote an article aboutHere’s a preview of it: […]

  4. Eddie,

    BIOS passwords and other such nonsense can and will be by passed by anyone that is in physical posession of your computer. In most cases they only annoy the hell out of people trying to help (like you were).

    When you bring your computer to someone else to fix it, *you* should be responsible for your data, not them. Isolate your personal data, encrypt your hard disk, have a good backup, provide them with a system with a clean, empty OS. If you are seeking software assistance, put your files in an encrypted file container. Any computer techs that let you watch and learn are called “consultants” and the fee varies accordingly.

    It’s quite unfair to expect anyone to know everything you mention about their systems just to use them as tools. By that analogy I shoul become a car mechanic just to drive!

    And please, stop spreading the idea that “these Linux systems (that) can do such things”, it’s the people using Linux that would do such harm, not the OS by itself, eh ?

    I guess your coworker will never trust any “Linux” guy anymore..!

  5. ubersoldat said

    Yes, and don’t forget how easy it is to just reinstall a new system and have all your files, configuration, etc. Working.

    I’ve migrated from Ubutu 6.06 to every version in between until 7.10 without loosing anything. I didn’t have to configure wallpapers, widgets, evolution, firefox, etc. Anytime. It just works.

    Good post

  6. FreddyMartinez said

    I can has Finnix?

  7. Topher Hunt said

    Excellent post! This kind of post is exactly the kind of thing I was hoping for when I subscribed to Ubuntu Planet RSS. It’s informative on a techie-how-to level and on a principles-of-computing level. Thanks for this.

  8. Refilwe said

    This is a good informative post!

    @ Fabian
    So how can “anyone that is in physical posession of your computer” bypass BIOS & HDD passwords yet also lack some of the knowledge Eddie talks about?

    They should know how to encrypt filesystems yet not know that the software & hardware are separate parts?

    The mechanic analogy fails because a good mechanic can take a car apart and rebuild it better than it was. This is like taking an existing distro, and knowing how to create your own optimized edition. Which is an order of magnitude of knowledge (or 2 or 3) beyond “load LiveCD, list partitions, mount, copy, unmount reboot”

    Eddie’s example is more like knowing basic car maintenance. If you drive, you should know what all the levers by the wheel do. You should know the maintenance schedule. You should know the difference between oil & gasoline, transmission & windshield fluid. You should know how to change a tire and even if you don’t you _should_ at least know that if your tire blows out you can *change the tire instead of buying a whole new automobile*.

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